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Brothers visiting Bro. Ed Johnson

Brothers visiting Bro. Ed Johnson
Chapter brothers are making regular visits to Bro. Johnson.

Organized by Bro. Dillard and Bro. Boles, Brothers of the chapter are making regular visits to Bro. Johnson. Below are a few comments captured about the visits

May 22nd Visit
Bro. Boles and Bro. Dillard visits Bro. Johnson
Brothers, It is a privilege to spend time with one another even through life’s ups and downs. You never know the impact you have on someone. Take the time now to cherish those experiences. 06

May 24th Visit
Brothers, @James Henson, @Bish Bates ΗΗΛ SP24 3️⃣ ❄️ and I had a great visit with Bro. Johnson this morning. We talked briefly about his life then majority of conversation ranged from sports, city of Annapolis, and our own personal backgrounds among other things. He was in great spirits and said his is being treat very well. His wife did mention he likes sitting outside sometimes and talking so just a tip for any Brothers planning to visit.

May 26th Visit
We are our Brothers keeper! A visit to see Brother Johnson on Sunday. We met him in the TV room and he was all smiles. While browsing through the DVDs. Brother Johnson selected Indiana Jones Raiders of the lost ark! Great time spending time with him. This classic movie came out in 1981.
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